BERLIN - Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has won two orders for Dingo 2 protected vehicles from Germany's Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement (BWB). To be delivered this year, the 85 vehicles are to be used by the German Army's contingent in Afghanistan.
The Dingo 2 protected personnel and material carrier is a variant of KMW's Dingo, and is similarly based on a commercial UNIMOG all-terrain chassis. Germany has sent its existing Dingos on operations in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Lebanon.
The first batch of 41 Dingo 2 vehicles will be the basic all-protected personnel and material transporter configuration.
The second batch of 44 will be GSI battle-damage repair vehicles that carry a mobile workshop, storage system and generator.
The vehicle's three-person cab is protected against IEDs, mines and ballistic threats.
All 85 vehicles will be equipped with KMW's FLW 100 light weapons station, which can mount machine guns and other defensive weaponry that are controlled by the crew from inside the vehicle.
The Dingo 2 is part of the German military's family of new Armored Command and Control Vehicles (Geschützte Führungs- und Funktionsfahrzeuge, GFF). Under contracts signed in 2005 and 2006, KMW will deliver 240 Dingo 2s to the German Army through 2011. A previous follow-on order for 98 Dingo 2s was placed in summer 2008, at a value of 68.3 million euros ($91.2 million).
"This short delivery period underlines the flexibility and industrial performance of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann," said Frank Haun, CEO and Chairman of the Board of KMW.
KMW offers the Dingo in a variety of configurations, including patrol, mobile command post, NBC reconnaissance and armored ambulance.
The Dingo 2 has also been acquired by Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg.
From: DN
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